Artem M.
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Artem M. liked the comment on rehearsing with Robben Ford
You and Robben sound great together! ......Read more

Artem M. liked the video Harmonized Major Triads with Sweep Lick for Practice

Artem M. posted a comment on the video Soloing over 2 Key Centers
Awesome!......Read more

Artem M. liked the video Soloing over 2 Key Centers

Artem M. liked the forum post 25 Fave Records- Then and Now
Here's a list (in no particular order) of 25 recordings that were either influential, uplifting or stirred some kind of memorable emotion both when I first heard them and even today! I could have easily kept going but......Read more

Artem M. liked the video Double Stops up the Neck (Mini Mojo Lesson)

Artem M. posted a comment on the video Inner Flame (with Mark Egan and Arjun Bruggeman)
Sounds fantastic! Awesome!......Read more

Artem M. liked the video Inner Flame (with Mark Egan and Arjun Bruggeman)