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Carolina Sheet Music

Carolina Sheet Music updated their profile

Carolina Sheet Music

Carolina Sheet Music posted a comment on the video beatles song

I'm studying those CDs that Doctor John recorded. The one that interests me the most is the first of all, that starts with a Texas Boogie that the interviewer makes him repeat it several times. And Doctor John has to......Read more
Carolina Sheet Music

Carolina Sheet Music liked the comment on beatles song

that's great!......Read more
Carolina Sheet Music

Carolina Sheet Music posted a comment on the video beatles song

I'm learning to play piano like Doctor John. So I'm using his cds but I have to correct the transcription which has mistakes.  ......Read more
Carolina Sheet Music

Carolina Sheet Music uploaded the video beatles song

Carolina Sheet Music

Carolina Sheet Music posted a comment on Carolina Sheet Music's profile

Hello Shane I hope you are ok Take care Carolina......Read more
Carolina Sheet Music

Carolina Sheet Music updated their profile

Carolina Sheet Music

Hello Shane

I hope you are ok

Take care
